i love creating fun / useful tools & applications for people to use.
so far i have created hundreds of unique projects, here's a curated list of my favourites (in no particular order);
psst... does this interest you? you can hire me :3
verified discord apps
- 40M users - scrump
- 300M+ users - maki
- 75M users - discord.me
- 5M users - carbon
- 1M users - headscratchers
- 1M users - ticketer
discord tools
- 500k users - feedback utils
- 1.5M users - elementantiraid
- 100k users - slowermode
- social.gal
- lol.uwu.gal (meme page)
- img.uwu.gal (image host)
- r.uwu.gal (redirect tracking)
open-source python packages
- pygeolocate
- spotify now playing
- short domain availability tracking
- discord http app api wrapper
- what tld (see available tlds for domain)
open-source games
- 2048 python
- game of life
- dvd bounce
open-source discord apps
- ez colour roles
- @someone
- weezer
- anonpolls