
about me

As you can probably tell, my name is Isabelle!
I'm a 20-year-old space nerd who studies Computer Science at university. I'm also a Software Engineer, you can checkout my portfolio here.

My goal in life is to become an astronaut, I've quite literally wanted to do this for as long as I can remember.

Throughout my life I've lived in many places, one of my favourite being Cyprus; which is where I fell in love with the ocean, swimming and diving.

Since then, I've become an avid swimmer and have competed in regional swimming competitions. Outside of swimming I've completed the SSI Open Water Diving Certification, which allows me to dive up to 18 meters into the depths of the ocean, experiencing a pressure of 281.8kPA!

In my spare time - outside of programming, swimming & diving - I study astrophysics & have completed a year-long quantum computing course offered by IBM.

After university, I intend to work at either NASA or ESA and gain more experience in the astrophysics field, eventually applying to the astronaut training program.